
CrowdStrike Software Update Incident: No Impact on Your Environment

We understand that recent events related to the CrowdStrike software update may have caused concern. We want to assure you that your environment remains unaffected by this incident. Here are the key points:   The Issue: A faulty software update from CrowdStrike led to widespread outages affecting Windows computers globally.

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CRN Impact Awards – Modernising Infrastructure 2024

Deployment of an APRA-compliant AWS platform for a leading Australian financial organisation and a project that helped a university exit its data centre are among the finalist partner projects in the Modernising Infrastructure category of the 2024 CRN Impact Awards.

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Debunking common cloud misconceptions the truth of Microsoft Azure

Debunking common cloud misconceptions: the truth of Microsoft Azure

The cloud is rapidly becoming essential for businesses, offering streamlined operations, enhanced collaboration, and adaptability to evolving demands. However, the journey to the cloud can seem daunting to the unfamiliar, filled with perceived challenges that make some businesses hesitant to make the move.

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Exploring the Depths of Phishing Scams: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s business world, staying competitive means staying on top of the latest technology trends and innovations. But for many companies, managing the day-to-day IT operations can be a daunting task, taking valuable time and resources away from what they do best – their core business.

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