We understand that cyber safety can seem like an extremely complex and technical area of ICT and something that is difficult to make time for when you have a business to run.
Unfortunately the impacts on businesses, big and small, can be devastating.
In some cases, these impacts may have been avoidable with strong cyber security plans and risk mitigations in place.
How you can protect your business
The Australian Cyber Security Centre has developed a series of ‘quick wins’ documents designed to help you better understand technology issues and provide some tips for quick wins that you can implement across your business’ network, including:
● How to secure your portable devices, such as mobiles and tablets
● why you should take extra steps to protect your website, data and reputation
● what you should do when your software and programs reach the end of their digital life
● what a password manager is and why it is an essential part of a modern workplace
Where to go for help
Learning about these security risks and quick wins is the easy part – but when implementing, it can be hard to know the best place to start.
Here at Bridged, we can help you.
We have a project team that can work with you to fine-tune the project scope and find a best-practice solution to implement security improvements for your business.
And following implementation, we have a dedicated team who can assist you with monitoring your ICT equipment and system, mitigating risks before they get out of hand and working with you to keep your business running.
Get in touch with us today to learn more.